Sunday, October 6, 2024

Two mice and a mountain

 Hiya Gang,
Cocoa and Navy here.  Little Fox is "resting" today after a long night of partying.  Us mice decided to go hiking ourselves.  A pretty amazing fall day on Mt. Hood. 

Water is flowing nicely in the waterfalls. 
Appreciate the sustainability feature of this sign, reusing the other side makes so much sense. 

Take it from here Navy.  
Ok Cocoa, found another waterfall along the trail.  Later on in the hike but maybe the same river?  Hopefully we can find a view of the mountain and a nice picnic spot. 
When the mention of food is involved Sequoia gets pretty serious about the hike. 
Great job team, found a nice spot with a view of the mountain. Some grass, a little sun and the roommates brought along cheese for us mice. 

It was hard to miss the mountain today - even from the ski lift areas it was out and in full show.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Finally, something to post about!

Navy and Cocoa here, and today Little Fox took us back out to the gorge and we went to Tracy Hill.  LF took us  there a while back when the flowers were blooming and the grass was greener. Navy found Mt. Hood but barely see it.

Sequoia wanted to be in this picture with Navy.

Navy found the old Corral.  Little fox says it's one of his favorite spots.

Little fox and Cocoa are hanging out in the backpack…Navy is the more adventurous stuffy today.
Eventually after lunch Cocoa decided to come out and switch spots with Navy.  After the hike, none of the animals could be found as it was snack time and they each got their own cookie to munch on.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

More real PCT and a new budding bartender in the blogger world

Good day blog gang.

Cocoa here (do you see the PCT marker in the background)?  Navy, Little Fox and I are doing more hiking near Mt. Ashland looking for sweeping vistas (not today....thanks wildfire smoke) and lots of flowers.

Navy stumbled across a little trail magic on the PCT today.
Coolers full of soda (shasta brand - ironic since we can see Mt. Shasta), some LaCroix and a logbook.
In previous years Little Fox has found boxes of apples, granola bars, beers, and coolers of soda.
The trail angel also set up some yard chairs, the gang likes this one as they can put their tired feet up and relax. 
The flowers on the PCT are doing well, today our hike was chosen by Navy Beanie.  Grouse Gap to Siskiyou Summit (and beyond).
The trail calls - Navy must go.
We made it to Siskiyou summit and what a nice view.  360 degrees and on a non-smokey day you can see everything.  Oregon, California, Lakes, Mountains etc.
On our way back Navy mentioned he signed up for a class at a local winery that was happening today.  
Apparently it's been a dream of Navy's to be an amateur bartender.  From the looks of things it seems he has two customers who are ready to enjoy a glass or two of wine.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A trip down south

 Hiya Gang,

Little Fox and crew (Navy and Cocoa Beanie) here as we take a short walk around the Willamette River ner Eugene Oregon on our trip south.  This is the Defazio Bridge, named after a long time representative.  It's for walking, scootters, bikes, and other non motorized (ie cars) wheeled transportation.

The Defazio Bridge is ok but the real part of this trip is hiking on the real PCT while working on the virtual PCT.
Cocoa is starting us out on the the PCT near Mt. Ashland ski resort.
This trail section of the PCT is pretty flat and our destination is Grouse Gap.
A ton of the state is on fire but the smoke was kind enough to 
The Flowers are out (albeit if we were here 3 weeks before the flower show would be amazing). 

The Grouse Gap shelter was a great place to have a snack. They have picnic tables, a fire pit (can't use now because of the aforementioned state being on fire) but in the winter they usually keep a little fire going on the weekends so the cross country skiers have a warm place to relax.
Where to next?

Monday, July 22, 2024

Working on the virtual PCT via the real PCT.

 Hiya Gang,
As you may know Sandy and I are working on our virtual PCT challenge.  We've been plugging away at the hiking yet we're still in California.  Last time I checked we are nearing Lake Tahoe.

Since it's such a nice summer day the gang and I (Navy, Cocoa, Sequoia) decided to do a little hiking on the real PCT.  Today's destination is Upper and Lower Twin Lakes near Mt. Hood.  The lakes are accessible off of a side trail from the PCT but we still get some PCT miles in so that's cool.

Too early for Huckleberries (a wild berry that has had no luck in being grown commercially- don't get the roommate started on Huckleberies or we'll never finish this post) so it's a nice treat when its found in the wild (also super expensive to buy...almost double of Copper River Salmon).

Bark, whoof, whoof (translation: enough chit chat, let's go).

The PCT is a pretty amazing trail.  This fox has hiked portions of it in Oregon, Washington and some near Lake Tahoe.  Any hike along the PCT almosts guarantees some amazing scenery.
Here's the turnoff.
Eventually made it to the lakes.  Upper Twin Lake was quieter (we were there earlier) but the hordes of people were arriving.
Luckily, we started early and missed most of the folks at Upper Twin Lake.  So pretty.
Off to Lower Twin Lake (an easier hike).  It was much busier and there were all types of hikers (people were carrying innertubes up the trail to Lower Twin Lake.  
Us animals didn't get any pictures at Lower Twin Lake.  Sequoia insisted on walking around the lake and when he puts his paws down there is no stopping him.  Of course, the human left lunch in the car so the roommate got hangry and no pictures for us.

Good news for us Mice and Fox (we snuck Tillamook Cheese with us as our lunch).

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Summertime exploring

 Hiya Blog World,
Little Fox, Navy and Cocoa Beanie here.  Today, I decided take take my esteemed guests on a hike to one of Portland's most famous homes.  Pittock Mansion.  Built in 1914, 46 rooms, and sits on 46 acres of prime land.  The flowers on the property are amazing.  Sequoia is off to the left enjoying a well needed break from our hike on the grass. 

What a day and what a garden.
The house is pretty amazing too.  It took 5 years to build and has many luxuries.  Central vacuum system, elevator, intercoms, indirect lighting etc.  The house was owned by the family until they wanted to sell it in the 1950s and there were no interested buyers.  Severe damage from a storm and no interested buyers provided the City of Portland with a perfect opportunity to save the house.  In 1965 (after a 15 month renovation) the house opened back up as a museum and park. 

Hard to beat the weather today - of course you can drive up here and park but us stuffies are hardy and we decided to park for free and hike 2 miles up.

Off to our next adventure

Monday, July 15, 2024

Finally, a blog post

 Hiya Gang,

Little Fox, Navy and Cocoa Beanie here.  As the resident tour guide at the ranch, I decided to take my pals Navy and Cocoa out for an exploration.

First stop:  Saint Stephen Church.  This church was built when the neighborhood was being developed around 1907.  Back then the neighborhood was kind of affordable, now....not so much.
A nice old church (they have lots of good google reviews as well).  Anyway, time to explore.
Ooh, this could be fun.  Of course we missed it, but perhaps we can convince the roommates to make us nachos.  Us stuffies can be very convincing when we need to. 
We found an old fire station that they turned into a fire museum. Sadly, it was closed today and the humans didn't get a picture of us in front of it.  I was a tad worried since they have this notice about the unreinforced masonry being a potential problem in an earthquake but Navy was unphased.  His words exactly: "I survived the tsunami at Mouse Island, I can tour an old building."

On our exploration we found these cool murals. 
Every stuffie chose their favorite mural.

Cool stores up and down the streets in this part of town.  Found a vintage store that had the audacity to sell this lawn chair for $39.00.  The metal bar where the back and seat meet is almost rusted out.  
Still a lot to explore.  Cidery, Acai Bowl Restaurant or see a movie (while having a beer and eating tater tots) at the neighborhood theater.