Wednesday, June 14, 2017

A busy weekend for a Little Fox

Hello Blog Pals,
Whew! I am tired, it's been a busy couple days for Sequoia and I.

First off we went to the beach to check out the ocean.  Yep, it's still there.  These rocks had some big waves crashing into them but I couldn't get my picture with a big splash of waves behind me.

Sequoia enjoyed his time on the beach. 
We did a total of 7.5 miles on the beach.  Whew, we were tired but after a long drive home Sequoia was itching for a walk.  So he got another .5 miles in (but not this fox).

After a good nights sleep Sequoia, my roommates, and I decided to check out this monastery that has a hiking trail.   These monks are pretty enterprising:  They have a book bindery, a wine warehouse, a managed forest, and they bake fruitcakes for the holidays. 
Other monastery enterprises in the state include monastery chocolate by a different set of monks nearby.
 There is also a group of nuns near Mt. Angel, Oregon that produce different varieties of mustard, called....that's right....Monastery Mustard.
No chocolate, no fruitcake and no mustard for Sequoia and I on this hike but lots of peace and quiet.  
and a couple of wild flowers. 
This little fox needs a nap. 


  1. Wow... you have some enterprising religious monks and nuns down there. Sequoia looks beary well behaved. Have you guys tried rhubarb relish? We made some last year and it goes really well with cheese.

  2. Sounds awesome, I need to find a recipe.
    Yes, those monks are ambitious aren't they? I am hoping to arrange a tour of the wine warehouse.

  3. That cake looks sure you don't need some help finishing it off?

  4. Around here, fruitcake always gets passed around and re-gifted.
