Thursday, January 21, 2021

Spring is near.

 Happy Spring!  Well, not quite yet.....but this Winter has been pretty warm so the plants and animals think spring is here. Daffodils are trying to come out.  

Nutria babies are out.  They live in the stream by the park.  They were introduced to Oregon in the 1930s for pelt production, the in the 1940s the Nutria pelt market collapsed.  The Nutria farms closed and thousands of Nutria were released into the wild.
On my snowshoe today some of the rhododendrons are really green. 
The snow is really nice today.  It hasn't snowed for a few days so it's a little icy but I must explore.
Sequoia agrees.  Time to explore.



  1. We bet Sequoia beary much likes the snow to play in!

  2. Nice hike! Never heard of Nutria before - they kind of look like a beaver except without the majestic tail.

  3. Hi Sequoia! Does Sequoia like the snow? Looking good there
