Sunday, May 12, 2024

Wildflowers Galore

 Hiya Gang,
Little Fox here with my pals Navy and Cocoa Beanie.  After our day of adventuring around the gorge we decided to finish our mini-get-away with another hike. It's prime wildflower season so this longer hike should be a shoe-in for many-a-flowers.

Navy looks good with Mt. Hood and Horsethief Butte in the background.  

Navy found some Balsamroot and a few early Lupine. Navy also found Mt. Hood in the background. 

This hike is on an old ranch and besides being a state park its also a right of way for high voltage power lines.  At times you can hear the buzzing of the lines but it doesn't distract us from the views or flowers. 

Navy and Cocoa switched spots and Cocoa did just as good of job as Navy finding flowers. 

It's hard to take a bad picture up here. 

Being that it was prime wildflower season in the Gorge it was busy but there were a few pockets of solitude while hiking.

Even Sequoia got in on the pictures. 
So the next question is easy:  Where to next gang? 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent adventure. Was there not a snack? Or a stop at a local beverage dispensary (i.e. beer?). Or maybe... cheeessseee??
