Thursday, April 1, 2021

Mail Call

 Hiya Gang,
Little Fox here.  I'm working through some recent mail.  First up.  A card from Jerry and Ben.

This is my favorite card from them.  So many hot dishes to make.  Let's see....where J and B live the official hotdish is green bean casserole.  My roommate visited a few areas of J and B's home state back in the day and the hotdish is saucy fish rice.  So many dishes to try.

Jerry also mentioned that a little bear is entitled to on hot fudge sundae per Covid Vaccine.  This is where everything gets tricky, if said little bear got the J &J vaccine which is a one shot deal does that mean said little bear only gets one sundae?

Next up is a card from a little bear up North.  Sandy's card came about a month and a half ago.  Yes, I know, I am a tad late on my mail. 
Sandy mentions that he needs to get out on more adventures....amen brother I need to get out more too.

Sandy is prepping his garden (after cleaning out the raised beds).   Kale, snap peas, radishes are also on the plan.  I hope Sandy plants tomatoes as well.  
My human got some free seeds today....marigolds, sunflower, snap peas and zucchini.  The were last years seeds but we are keeping paws crossed that they still work.  Of course, we purchased onions, zucchini, California Poppies, a plant that is supposed to attract honeybees, spinach, arugula, and more snap peas. 

It seems as if Cocoa Beanie is struggling with the pandemic.  I hope he gets to visit Beanie soon and perhaps do a US trip. 
Finally, Sandy mentioned that they made a pizza with basil, spinach, artichokes, and balsamic glaze.  Yum.  Recipe please.....

Thanks for the mail everyone!


  1. Great mail LF - you seem a bit focused on the menu/recipe aspects of your mail... are you hungry?

  2. Right....I know I'm always up for trying new recipes.

  3. "Recipes are beary important" Ben (and Jerry who likes to taste-test them).
