Monday, August 5, 2019

Sandy Says Goodbye.

Sandy here.  It's time for me to start packing up and get ready for my next adventure.  The Oregon stuffies have been so helpful and outgoing that I wanted to take some time and make them a healthy dinner.  

My dinner starts off with quinoa.  According to the packaging quinoa is a super food.  
You can't go wrong with  corn on the cob.
LF mentioned that the easiest way to cook corn on the cob is on a fire, but we don't have a firepit like I do in Canada so we'll use the bbq.
Grillmaster Sandy watching the corn. 
The corn is ready.  I hope LF and gang doesn't mind if I use rotisserie chicken instead of farm fresh chicken.  This bear is an expert on cooking brats, eating salmon and enjoying a good beer but cooking chicken isn't in my skillset.....yet that is. 
LF is impressed with my knife skills. 
Time for Sandy's secret chicken sauce: Salsa,  chipolte pepper paste, lime juice, salt, pepper, and cumin.
Cilantro.  Some people love it.  Some people can't stand the taste. This bear loves it, especially since it's mixed on top of the quinoa. 
The gang is assembled and we have said all of our goodbyes.  You'll notice Big Bear is wearing his Hawaiian lei.  Big Bear always puts his lei on in the summer in honor of the teachers who worked hard all school year. 
Enough chit chat.  Let's eat!
Sandy signing off.  Time to do the dishes, pack up and catch my flight.


  1. How does one handle a knife that's bigger than one's entire body? Answer: Very carefully!

  2. Ha. Good one. You should try stand up comedy

  3. Have you tried making cilantro or basil or rosemary butter to put on the corn on the cob? We soften butter, add your favorite herbs, then put back in the fridge. So yummy.
