Thursday, May 12, 2022

Hiya Blog World, Little Fox here.  Today, I am exploring the  State Capitol.  They gardening staff at the capital does an amazing job year round.  A few early tulips (daffodils are long gone).

As you can see if the grounds of the capitol or well protected.which car do you think is cooler? The blue  or the gray one?  I wish they had a fox orange cruiser?
My next stop on the capital campus is the sculpture garden.  The first sculpture here is of our state animal, the beaver. You'll notice that each of these beavers has a nice stick to enjoy.  
Up next we have the sculpture a"Animals on parade". This is a personal favorite of mine.
These gators look so happy (and who can blame them?).

Sequoia wanted to be part of the animal parade as well. 

Time to leave the capital grounds and explore town.
I came across this interesting statue at the local park.  The carousel was packed today (actually, this picture was taken the day before might say the carousel was hopping that day...). 
Finally, as my exploration ended I came across this building.  Some say it's Art Deco others not.  It's the Capital Tower office building built in 1927.  
Whatever style of architecture it is I'm beary impressed by this building.  Whew, this fox is tired, time to find some lunch.    


1 comment:

  1. Those statues are pretty cool! And I'm more partial to the blue car with the yellow stripes. Looks almost like a racing vehicle!
