Friday, March 29, 2024

A spring hike!

 Hiya Gang.

Cocoa here doing the solo blog (LF and Navy are "resting" after a long night of partying) so it was the roommate, Sequoia and I.  We decided to head out to the gorge and waht a good idea itw as.

A few early wildflowers were out.  Desert parsley.
Just a little balsamroot....more to come for sure.
And this one.  Anyone know what type of flower it is? 
If you guessed grasswidow I think your right.   
The rock formations in this area are pretty cool.

Lot's of Oregon White Oak.  A beary important tree for animals and birds as a.  Interestingly there is a ton of it here (in Washington).   
The Oregon White Oak is super important habitat for the Western Gray Squirrel (endangered in Washington) and sensitive in Oregon.
According to Sequoia, Wild Turkeys used to roam this are (haven't seen any today) but the White Oak is important for the turkeys habitat as well.  Time to head back down the hill (before the rain picks up).
Clouds are coming in, Jerry and Ben do you see the train in the background?

1 comment:

  1. Excellent hike. Sandy looked up Grass Widow in his plant book and concurs. Beary pretty flower.
