Sunday, June 2, 2024

The oldest settlement west of the Rockies.....

 Did you guess Astoria, Oregon?

 Astoria is named after John J. Astor financier who sent fur traders to establish Fort Astor in 1811 (even though John J never visited).  Astoria has a very interesting history and a seedier side of history involving Shanghaiing (kidnapping drunk men and putting them on freighter's as crew). 

So much history and potential archeology research in town (like what he heck is that thing behind me) that this little fox can't address it all in one blog, plus I have my pals Navy and Cocoa with me. 

Navy Beanie is super curious and wants to explore  history of seafaring.  Astoria is the place to be. 

Can you see the ships in the distance.   Navy is super intrigued as they are loaded with grain and lumber wait in Astoria for river pilots to guide them down the Columbia River or out to the Pacific Ocean.
He is in the process of calling all of his contacts to get a spot on the ships. 

Cocoa Beanie wanted to explore some of the movie related history in town.  Sure, we could go to the Goonies house but Cocoa said that was too boring.
Instead Cocoa wanted to see the Astoria-Megler bridge and try and remember all the movies it's been in.
1) Short Circuit
2) The Goonies
3) Free Willie 2 (yes there were 2 Free Willie movies)
4) Kindergarten Cop 
Speaking of Kindergarten Cop Cocoa found this sign that talks a little bit about the history of Kindergarten Cop and the filming sites.
Do you recognize the school?  It's the one used in Kindergarten cop (yep, still a public school in use today).
Need a refresher about Kindergarten Cop check out this trailer from 1990.

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