Thursday, January 18, 2018

The big question and answer.

The starting point is now, the end is up to you.  - Ron Kaufman.

Oh, hello blog pals.  I didn't see you there. I am about to wrap up my blog on my journey.  Here are some things I learned when I set out to find myself.
1) There are lots of quotes about finding one self on the internet, who knew?
2) Travel is always fun but it's good to get back home.
3) Don't be afraid to try new things.
and the million dollar question......did I find myself?????????  Well, yes.  Yes, I did.
Now that we got that taken care of it's time to return to regular programming.  I think I need to dust off my snowshoes, say hi to Sequoia, and start supervising my roommates so there is more time for adventure.  Oh yes, I better get Drunk Fox a gift for all of his help with the blog.  Hmm, I wonder if there is a gift shop on this trail?


  1. Glad you found yourself, LF. The Dogai Lama (that is, Grandpa Angus) agrees that everybody benefits from a little spiritual contemplation.

    However, we're also glad you're back safe and sound!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jerry and Ben. I appreciate the greetings.

  3. Welcome back!

    And happy belated birthday! I have no secretary to blame for that oversight. :(
