Thursday, February 22, 2018

A day at at the beach.

Sometimes Winter plays mean tricks on you like keeping the temperature below freezing and adding a wind chill.  Brr.  Sometimes Winter is beary nice to you and for some odd reason the weather gets up in the 50s on a weekend.
My goal is to get to this beach.
Before I begin my journey I decided to wander around the parking lot.  The weather was amazing and some great views from the parking lot.
The sound of the beach.  Such a calming sound for a little fox.  
Enough chit chat, let's get hiking. The trail is  muddy.    
There are some good resting stops along the route. 
Ah, I am getting closer. 
The rocks in the ocean are really cool. 
Getting closer.
I made it to the beach! Yes!!!!
My roommates said that the waterfall was our lunch spot. Looks like a great spot. 


  1. Nice hike. Did Drunk Fox pack your lunch? Because if he did, I'm pretty sure I know what it was.

  2. Why yes, Drunk Fox did pack the lunch. Yep, you guessed it, PB&J.
