Thursday, September 10, 2020

This ain't good

 Hiya Blog Pals,

Little Fox here reporting from the back yard.  Two fires burning nearby and a whole lot burning all over the state.

Let's take a first hand look outside: Ugh, this doesn't look good.  I wish I had a mask.

Yep, same shot about an hour earlier.
There is some good news.  The Coast Aquarium is closed (that is not the good news)  but the animals are safe

Don't worry.  This fox is on firewatch tonight. 
To end on a fun more post from the aquarium. 


  1. Oh gosh LF. Stay safe!! Do you have a bug-out bag prepped for the worst case scenario?...

    1. We have a box but it should be updated. Something to work on this weekend.

  2. We've been getting that smoke up here too the past week. Not as bad as you but there have been a few days where we saw no sun at all. Our AQ was off the charts (up here, it's a 1-10 scale). Today we actually have a bright orb in the sky trying to break through. And our AQ is only an 8... improving...
