Thursday, April 29, 2021

Adventuring around the park

 Now that I have gotten the lay of the land it's time to go on a few adventures around the park. 

First up is a short little hike to Ryan Mountain.  The tip we got is to go early, so we did.

Windy up here.  Do you see the Joshua Tree in the background?
A better view of the Joshua Tree (and you can see the wind blowing my paw around).

I made it to the top of Ryan Mountain.  Pretty easy little hike. 
Time for another adventure.  After doing the little walk around Keys view (yes, the same Keys from the ranch) it was time to get away from the crowds and do some hiking.
I'm on a trail to another viewpoint. Apparently my roommates want to tire me out today.  Hah, this fox doesn't get tired.
So much cool plant life.  Anyone know what this is?  Be careful with your paws. 
Juniper grows well here.  These are much bigger than the juniper that grows in my state. 
A cholla cactus, you will meet a new friend of mine soon with the same name.
Made it to the top. Off in the distance is the Sultan Sea, the Palm Srpings Metro area and lots of desert.
These hikes certainly got me some elevation, now it's time for lunch.


  1. Excellent hikes. I don't suppose you saw any rattlesnakes on any of your hikes? Be careful around them... a little stuffie like you would make a tasty snack for one of them.

    1. Did see a snake....luckily it did not stick around enough to see if it was a rattler. He went his way...I went mine

  2. It looks very dry and hot there...clearly you are in need of extra snacks and drinks for such a difficult least that's the rational we'd use...hehe

    1. Hydration is the key. Salty and sweet snacks help too.
