Thursday, October 20, 2022

A coastal adventure day 2.

 Hiya world.  Day 2 and it's time for Little Fox and Sandy to explore the beach.

Little Fox here: I hope Sandy likes the beach. Today our adventure starts out at South Beach State Park. This tree in the background has some damage to the bark, I wonder if that was animal created or human created?
What a day!  Taking a break on our walk and the archaeologist in me wants to explore the old building in the background. 
Sandy's game but the roommates said and emphatic "NO!".  Onward.
The beach was so pleasant today.  Not too many people.  Great weather.  Kind of windy but us stuffies are strong.  Sandy and I enjoyed hanging out and watching the world go by.  

Eventually it was time to go back to the bearbandb we rented.  Sandy wanted to stop and get a gift for me and the roommates.
How generous!  Thanks Sandy.   We'll have to open this up with dinner.  Speaking of dinner this fox and bear got their picture taken before the food was devoured.
All that adventuring tires out little stuffies and they need their sustenance. 



  1. Cocoa & Navy Beanie here... that looks like a fun adventure! Why was the ruined building an emphatic NO? And since when did that stop intrepid stuffies?
