Sunday, October 8, 2023


Anyone ever see the movie "The Shining"?  If so, Redrum makes sense. 

Here I am at Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood.  Such a beautiful day for October so it's time to do some exploring.  

The mountain is out today. Us Oregonian's refer to Mt. Hood as the Mountain.  We do have many mountains in our state but Hood is the largest and most well known.
Time to start my hike.  Looks like I have two choices.
1) Mexico: 2,108 miles.  Long way, great weather.
2) Canada: 550 miles.  Shorter, cheaper prescription drugs, and Little Fox.
Tough call.
Hmm, I think I will go to Zig Zag Canyon which is 3.5 miles.  It 

Made it to the canyon.  The water is still running pretty fast. I'll observe from a safe distance.
Back up the hill towards my lunch spot. The forest is so pretty on a sunny day. 
Time to head back to the lodge. The humans are mentioning ice cream and a beer (not at the same time).  I'm keeping my paws crossed.
Update: Neither a beer nor ice cream was provided.  Instead the humans made sugar free jello for dessert. 
How do I contact management? 


  1. Sugar free jello??? What the heck is the point of that? You might as well eat just plain gelatin then (ewww). And no ice cream or beer??? Obviously with L.F. gone... things are going to the dogs...
