Saturday, December 14, 2013

An Icy Trail

Well, after our very cold weather last week it finally warmed up enough to get out for a hike.   I met up with my friend monkey for a waterfall hike.  Here we are at the start of our hike - Horsetail falls.  The ice should have tipped us off about what was ahead.....

What we hadn't considered, was that even though it has warmed up, the ice around the waterfalls and on some parts of the trail has gotten so thick, it hasn't melted yet.   We made it to the next waterfall, which was also icy and got to walk behind it. 

But just past that the trail was so icy we turned around, rather than chance sliding into the pool. 

We decided to try a different trailhead to reach our destination, but there was still too much ice in some places to get past.  There was ice hanging on the sides of the cliffs, and it was a bit foggy as well. 

We finally decided that we had had enough challenges for one day and it was time to head back - but we needed one more picture of us together, since we don't see each other often. 

Although I was looking forward to getting back to a warm, dry house, it was great to be able to get outside after it had been so cold last week.  And even though the ice cut our hike short, it was very pretty and interesting to see everywhere it had frozen. 


  1. The frozen water at the falls looks beary cool!

    1. It was beary cool. Usually it's not that cold out here for waterfalls to freeze in the winter so was definitely a treat. I should've thought ahead and brought a thermos of hot chocolate to share.

    2. As Sandy will certainly inform you, we have to keep reminding our "sekretaries" about such things, they can be a little forgetful!

  2. That first pic of the waterfall looks amazing! But it's always good to be careful around ice... beary careful!

    1. You are right it's important beary careful. Monkey is a good companion and it's always good to bring along a friend just in case.....

  3. I hope you dried off your fur quickly. It looks beary cold. Don't catch cold!

  4. Thanks. I usually complain to my roommates when they try to put me in the dryer....not this time, it felt good.
