Thursday, April 11, 2019

Bear in Charge Blog #3. Proper introductions.

Hello Blog World,
Good afternoon.  I have to admit I am a little embarrassed as I have not properly introduced myself yet.  My name is Baxter T. Bear.  I come from a long line of stuffies mainly from the Mediterranean.  As you can see my Mediterranean roots are showing as I am about to eat this nice pizza.
Don't worry.  I did some nice hiking today (one of the many tasks I have been tasked with now that Little Fox is on vacation). Today's destination is Catherine Creek to search for wildflowers. 
On board for today's adventure is Sequoia.  
Catherine Creek was originally an old ranch.  It's been out of commission for many years and now the land belongs to the forest service.  You can still see old remnants of the ranch along the route. 
There are a few scattered old oak trees and about 10 miles east there is an old cherry orchard.  The hilltop that Catherine Creek is really windy. 
One of the few surviving oaks around.
The views are expansive.  The Columbia River is in the foreground and the meadow is wide and open.   
A few wildflowers were out today.  I have always called the purple ones "Grass Widows" but I am not botanist so the real name is a mystery to me. 

Ahhhhh this is the life.  Now if this cloud would move I could enjoy a little more sun.
See you next time blog readers - your pal Baxter.


  1. Hello Baxter! Nice to meet you. You are doing a great job running LF's blog while he is away!

    1. Thanks Ajdin. I have been reading your blog and learning all sorts of tricks. Did you ever make it through that drive through a few weeks ago?

  2. That pizza looks amazing Baxter, we think you should open up a pizza shop. We'll be your best customers!

    1. I am in the process of figuring a salmon pizza - if it pans out I will let you know. I will be sure to stock lots of hot chocolate for you two in the back of the pizza shop.

  3. Sandy: A search for Grasswidow looks pretty good to me.
    Little Fox: Great job Baxter - pizza looks very tasty.
