Thursday, July 25, 2019

Whose up for a hike?

Sandy and LF here.  We are waiting beary patiently for the roommates to get things settled and prepared for our hike.  We have a backpack full of snacks, lots of water and plenty of treats for Sequoia.  Let's Go!
This foxglove is just coming out.  I hope to see more flowers along the trail.  Our final destination is pup creek falls along the Clackamas River.  
The Clackamas is a popular river for rafting in the summer.  Further downstream from here it's also a salmon spawning habitat.
The woods are so peaceful on a sunny day. 
Patiently waiting to see if any rafters are going by.  The river is flowing high right now as it's main source is snowmelt from Mt. Hood. 
Eventually, we made it to the turnoff for Pup Creek Falls.  Man, this would be a great hike if Droopy comes out to Oregon. 
Along the way up to the falls there were some rhododendrons starting to bloom.  The rhododendrons in the neighborhood have already bloomed and lost there flowers but the wild ones are just starting up.
Success!  We made it to the falls and believe it or not we had the place all to ourselves for about 5 minutes.  This is a popular hike so it's a treat to have some time at the falls without 50 of our closest friends. 
There is a great view at the falls but not much of an area to have lunch.  That's OK, along the trail there were lots of spots.  
Ah, what a great hike. Time to sit back and enjoy the view.



  1. What a great hike! Readers really need more details on the snacks...really, it's beary important.

  2. The humans need to up the quality and quantity of the snacks.

  3. Snacks are a must! What a wonderful hike!
