Thursday, July 4, 2019

Time for an adventure.


Edit:  This post is super late (go figure...humans) but LF here wishing all of my stuffy pals a happy Independence Day.  In the US we often celebrate with elaborate fireworks and BBQs at friends house where the American tradition of eating too much is often practiced.

Now back to your scheduled blog:
Sandy and LF here waiting patiently for the human to get everything locked up and set for our day trip.  Today we are going to the Oregon Coast and I heard that we get to go hiking!
Our fist stop is at the entrance to the Tillamook State Forest.  
Who doesn't want to stand in four counties at once?  I think we are going to save this hike for another day.
Back in business.  We are waiting patiently while LF's roommate gets everything set up. Sequoia is coming so there are harnesses, water bottles and other items that need to go along.  Weather looks amazing!
Sequoia is ready.  Let's go!
Some wildflowers are blooming.  Is this SalmonBerry? 
More flowers.
Finally gained enough elevation to have a view of the Pacific.  I am looking North but I don't think I see Mama's house yet. 
More flowers eh. 
Back in the woods.
Uh oh.  Now what? 
Luckily Sequoia knows the way.
Our view from the top of the mountain.  Sigh.  Time to head back down. 
LF's roommate knows of a little fish and chips shack in the town of Rockaway.  It's hard for these stuffies to wait patiently but we are doing our best. 
It's a shack.  Literally.  
Yum.  Lunch is served.  Two pieces of fish for me and two pieces for LF. 
Some coleslaw to share.  Beanie do they serve coleslaw with fish and chips in England?
That fresh fish was really good.  I think I need to buy Mama a gift.  I heard that there is a canary that sells fresh oysters from the ocean. 

Oh what is this area behind me?  It's the Port of  Garibaldi.  Garibaldi  is a very small town on the Oregon coast, about 745 people.  Some fishing but most people who work the boats live in Tillamook and commute about 10 miles to town. 


A small town but it's got a great place to rest a while.
A great adventure. Whats on tap for tomorrow? 


  1. Great photos! The fish and chips look so yummy; sometimes those simply looking food places offer the beary best food! We are in the middle of a heat wave...ugh.

    1. Sorry to hear about the heat wave. Humid too?
      Right now I am supervising smoking salmon (from Trader Joe's) on the grill. Paws crossed.

    2. Yes, humid too, but Ben and Sandy make ice cream (post coming). Smoked salmon? YUMMMM

    3. Small, simple, and roadside are my favorite types of restaurants.

    4. Ours too...that burger looks amazing!

  2. No, we don't get coleslaw with fish & chips. We sometimes get Mushy Peas (we don't like those) and tartar sauce (we don't like that either!!) but me an Andrea just put ketchup on the chips!!!! Or just salt & vinegar!!!

  3. I don't like the tartar sauce either. Mushy peas sound as appetizing as coleslaw.

  4. Happy belated July 4th! The fish and chips look great!
