Thursday, September 12, 2019

Baxter's Building Company.

Baxter here.  It's good to be back blogging.  I have been hired by the roomates to build a raised strawberry bed.  The first step in any building project is to read the instructions.
Assembling the team is beary important too. 
Little Bear found a problem.  Luckily, a little glue and patience can fix this problem. 
This is a lot of work for a little bear but I am up to it.
My pals noticed I could use a paw or two.  Fox is trying to tell us something by staring at this board but we don't speak fox (and Little and Drunk Fox speak a different dialect of fox than this fox so we are all lost on what he is trying to say).
We did it.  The raised bed is ready to be stained.

Sequoia is carefully watching the staining process.
Best to start in a corner and work your way to the middle. 
Wow, that was quick.  The container of stain was very clear that you only put on one coat of stain.  So, that's what I did. Time to get some strawberry plants (yes, my gardener friends this post is very outdated).
Time to relax.  I could use something to drink. 
When the word "drink" was mentioned guess who came out of the woodwork. 
That's right.  Drunk Fox.  He has a soda for himself but got me a nice tall beer. 
Looks like Drunk Fox wants to trade.  Not on my watch buddy. Enjoy your soda my friend.
Baxter signing off.  Time to get my construction bill ready for the humans.