Hello Students. Little Fox here. As the unofficial dean, registrar, and financial aid counselor at Stuffy Class I want to take a second and introduce our most popular instructor. He's traveled the world, drank in many many many bars (and casinos, nightclubs, speakeasy's etc). If you guessed Drunk Fox then you are correct.
Take it away Drunk Fox.
Welcome students to my class. Yes, you are correct I am one of the most popular instructors at Stuffy Class and today's class is on signage.
There will be a comprehensive final at the end of my class. Let's get started with my bumper sticker lecture.
Some of my personal favorites.
Jesus is a big theme in the bumper sticker world.
Another creative sticker.
Being that this is only an introduction class I will move onto my next favorite church signs.
This one is for my friend Droopy (it seems like it fits his sense of humor).
I believe.Food for thought.
Simple and to the point.
The final section of my lecture is a potpourri of signs.
I got nothing for this one.
Well said.
Where was this sign when I was a pup?
Can anyone tell me what they are trying to convey in this sign?
Sorry Ajdin, Sandy, Jerry, Ben and Little Bear. You'll have to stay elsewhere.
As the most popular class at Stuffy Class I get asked what my favorite sign is. I think this one takes the cake.
Are you ready for the final? Please note the comprehensive final for my class will be on November 31st. See you then.
Thanks for taking my class.
Drunk Fox
Drunk Fox