Thursday, May 20, 2021

Introducing Cholla....the Australian Woodrat.....not the Cactus

 Hello Blog World. It's me, Little Fox at the Cholla Cactus Garden in Joshua Tree.  It's sunrise and the cacti are amazing.

I was wandring around the park and noticed there were lots of Desert Woodrats at the park. 
Woodrats here?  Perhaps.
Probably some here at Keys mine.

Lot's of old mines and homesteads in the park.  Homesteading in the Mojave has got to be hard. 
Probably a few Desert Woodrats here in another deserted homestead.
Sigh, no pictures of any Desert Woodrats but they were around.  I did meet an Australian Woodrat who  likes the desert but was looking for a new climate.  A little milder.  Perhaps an area with 4 mild seasons.

It didn't take me long to convince her to move to my place.  I got her booked on the same flight as me. 

Blog world, let me introduce Cholla the Australian Woodrat.  She goes by Cholla for short.  Being good global citizens we are maintaining our 6 feet social distancing.  
I didn't have many seeds or nuts for Cholla to snack on but I did have some bread with seeds on it that she seems to like.
It's time to head back home.  Garden needs work, Sequoia needs attention and this fox needs to hike. 


  1. Homesteads in the Mojave? Ugh... that must have been a super hard life. Hi Cholla!!! Welcome to the gang. I'm curious how an Australian woodrat made up to the Mojave... sounds like there is an interesting back story there.

  2. Cholla says "thanks". Backstory coming soon.

  3. Hello Cholla! Little Fox is a great host and tour guide - I'm sure you will have lots of fun adventuring outdoors!
