Thursday, November 25, 2021

Anthony Lakes Hiking Adventure!

 Hiya Gang,

Happy Thanksgiving to my US pals!  Hope you have a great day.
Little Fox here.  Still haven't done my archeology work yet (stay tuned).  Today, I am hiking at Anthony Lakes and in the Elkhorn Mountains.  Anthony Lake is a beary nice lake.  Lots to do in the summer hiking, boating, fishing and in the winter x country skiing, snowshoeing and a small ski restort.

So many trail options. This fox needs more vacation time.
Made it to the top w/o any problems.  Saw a few backpackers and day hikers along the way. My goal is the saddle to get around Gunsight Mountain and back to Anthony Lakes.  (This fox has a wine tasting to do later today so I have a schedule to keep).

Made it to the saddle without any problems.  Hoping to have a lunch near here.  Just need to find a spot.  

Any guesses on this tree? It's beary important to high elevation ecosystems.
Did you guess the Whitebark Pine Tree? 

Grizzly and Brown Bears along with Squirrels eat the fatty seeds for sustenance.   This tree also provides stabilization and prevents erosion.  It can handle mountain weather.....there's only one problem....blister rot fungus (oh and climate change too). Between climate change and the blister rot fungus the population has decreased by 90%.  
It's on the threatened list but there is hope!  A variety of groups are planting 500,000 seedlings  that are disease resistant to the blister rot fungus.  Lfox is keeping his paws crossed for success!


  1. Nice hike and gorgeous views! I got as far as pine tree... good that they are replanting the trees.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Those are some amazing views!

    1. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

  3. Beautiful photos! How did the wine tasting go afterwards?

    1. Amazing. The weather was perfect, sunny and they had tables outside.
