Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sandy's Art Deco Contest #2 - The Baker Tower

 Hiya Blog World,
Little Fox here. I am working on my entries for Sandy's Art Deco contest. I have decided to enter the Baker City Tower.

This Art Deco beauty was originally christened the Baker City Hotel.  Built in 1929, it was originally an 82 room hotel catering to the automobile travelers.  It has an observation deck on the 9th floor and was in operation as a hotel until  the1960s.  In 1972 it was turned into an office building with some apartments and in the 90s it was pretty run down.

Now-a-days it has condos on 5 floors, offices on a few floors and a restaurant or two on the ground floor. 
Thanks for hosting the contest Sandy.  Good luck everyone!