Thursday, December 30, 2021

Mail Call

 Hiya Gang.

Time for a beary belated mail call.  First up is a letter from early October from Sandy and pals.   Sounds like they have a beray busy fall planned.  Rose and crew are coming to visit, their side hustle is doing well (Sequoia wants to know if dog treats are provided upon arrival), and the October rain brings in proper  mushroom hunting conditions. 

They also sent some pawsome stickers.
Do you see these stickers?  Aren't they cool?  They say "Little Fox" and guess what? That's me!

Next up is a thank you card from Jerry and Ben for entering and winning the "Halloween Themed Snack" portion of their contest. 
Oooh, and look a starbucks gift card as well.  Drunk Fox and I are going to visit our nearest one and get some hot chocolate. 
The only question is should we get extra whipped cream on our hot chocolate?  We both agree that the answer to that question is an emphatic "yes".
Thank you Jerry and Ben.



  1. Those stickers are super cool! Happy New Year from one canine to another.

  2. Thanks. The sticker made it on my waterbottle

  3. Yay! Can't ever have too many stickers... kind of like whipped cream...
