Thursday, April 14, 2022

Welcome Spring

Hiya Gang,
LF here welcoming in Spring.  Today I am exploring the state capital, scouting some art deco shots for Sandy's next (hopefully) contest, and enjoying the nice Spring weather.  This is a cool parking garage, it's all underground and they made a state park is on t op of the garage.  Very cool..

At the state park they have all these interesting fun facts.  This one is my favorite. 

This one is on "Oregon  Firsts" such as: producing state wide voter pamphlets, state wide voter registration, electing US senators by vote, declare sovereignty of ocean beaches, adopting a workers compensation law and ban aerosol sprays.

I could not have asked for a better day.  
The capital is pretty impressive.  On top is "Oregon Pioneer".  He' was made in New Jersey, shipped across the panama canal and taken by train to Salem. Quite a journey.  
I made it as close as I can today (construction).  Can't go inside today to explore but keeping paws crossed I can explore soon. 
I can see the art deco influence but when I was reading online I also noticed people called it Soviet Era Construction, which I can see some of those influences as well. 

Since it's so nice today might as well explore the riverside park.  A cool bridge over the river and lots of outdoor art.

Trees are blooming and the river is calm. 

Time for this little fox to get lunch. 


  1. Thanks for the tour! We have ordered a book from the library about the Donner Party... not really Oregon history but... we thought it was close enough.

  2. Replies
    1. Funny!! It was actually a beary good book. We learned a lot about geography and how a series of minor (and major) poor decisions can lead to catastrophic consequences. They were sooooo close to making it over before the snows came.
