Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day

I was relaxing with my friend Little Bear. We just finished reading our favorite book, has anyone else read this story?
A knock at the door, who could it be? It was the mail bear bringing my mail.
I recognize this drawing.  I bet it's from Jerry and Ben
Then I saw another letter, who could that be from?  I think it's from Ajdin and Uncle Tibbs, yes it is!
I opened the package from Jerry and Ben and got this cool Valentines Day card.  Thanks, your scarfs look great in the picture. 
Then I opened Ajdin and Uncle Tibbs package and saw this neat picture in the card and a beary cool flag.  Look the flag has my initials LF.   I think I need to go hiking and take my new flag. Thanks everyone!


  1. I have not read that book yet but it seems beary interesting that the Teddy Bear of Bumpkin Hollow has a tail. I don't have a tail. Do all bears have tails?

    Uncle Tibbs and I are glad the flag arrived in one piece. Enjoy.

    1. Thanks again. I don't know if bears have tails, I will have to do some research. Us foxes have good long bushy tails. I use mine to keep me warm in the winter months because my roommates are too cheap (I mean frugal) to get me a scarf.

  2. Glad you enjoyed the card! That flag is really nice!

    1. Thanks again for the card. I always like getting mail (except bills).

  3. Love that flag! You could climb some mountains and plant your flag at the top and claim the mountain on behalf of stuffies everywhere!

    1. That's a great idea. I could also name the mountanis after my blog pals.

    2. Ohhhh!!! That is a brilliant idea!! Mount Jerry and Benjamin Mountain... Hammie Hill... I like it! How did the pruning go? We only got the big plum tree done and a baby plum tree. The monster pear tree is still waiting...

    3. My roommates never go to pruning....too much rain today.

    4. Ah yes... pruning can be a multi-day project as we are discovering...

  4. Great mail, Little Fox! Love your blog :)

  5. Very Nice Post On Valentines Day..

    Thanks for Share..

    Happy Valentines Day 2015 SMS
