Thursday, September 27, 2018

A trip to Virginia....City that is.

Virginia City, Nevada.  Current population 900 (and it's the county seat to boot).  Population during it's heyday as a mining town in 1873, about 25,000.  Virginia City was a major mining city, mainly mining silver and ore and is famously known for the "Comstock Lode".   Mark Twain was a resident and a reporter for five years before heading to San Francisco.

This museum looks interesting.  Now, it says it's great interest to adults and children but what about foxes?

A cool selection of mining equipment.
Old time medicine bottles.
Old timey guns.  Well, I guess it was the wild west.

Found an old check stating the miners salary.  I bet he worked hard for his $14.00 a month.
Boom towns like Virginia City often had some trouble with maintaining law and order. St Mary's of the Mountains was founded in 1868 to provide some religion to the town. 
Any type of church that has a wine cellar is my kind of place.
The church burned during the big fire of 1875 and they rebuilt the church in 1876.
Speaking of lawlessness I came across the modern day sheriff.  I bet this bear keeps law and order.


  1. What a fun trip! We saw the Mark Twain biography on PBS, it was really interesting.

  2. They didn't call it the "Wild West" for nothing!

  3.! Oh, not the state of Virginia. I got excited there for a moment. Otherwise, you could have come visited me.
