Thursday, September 13, 2018

On the road again......

Hello Blog Pals,
It's me, Little Fox, back on the road.  It's wildfire season and there is a lot of smoke n the air. 
My first night was in Alturas, California.  Alturas is a county seat and has a nice courthouse.  Don't worry, I am not down here on a warrant or some other "funny business" but as a guest and tourist.
Let's go hiking!  Our first stop is on a hike in the Modoc National Forest.  They did a good job of posting rules and giving information to hikers like me.
Mill Creek Falls was our first stop.  Not bad water flow for August. 
Clear Lake is my next stop.  I saw a couple of anglers trying to catch some fish.  I don't think they were having lots of luck today.
Time to leave this area and head further south.  Where will I end up?
So long Modoc National back soon.


  1. "Touring" the courthouse, uh huh. You haven't sneaked into the henhouse again lately, have you?...

    1. Umm, my lawyer Drunk Fox advises me to not answer that question.

    2. Uh-oh... you know that they say... if you don't give an emphatic "no"... it means... ummm... do you need me to ship you a file in a cake?

  2. We were smokey like that a few weeks ago. Yucky.

    1. I heard about that. The smoke cancelled a camping trip I had planned to the Northern Cascades. Hopefully the damage wasn't too bad up there.

    2. We were OK on the island but the northern central interior had it pretty bad. All of the mountain pine beetle kill went up in smoke. Luckily it was a pretty unpopulated area. Still, made for very smokey skies up there and we just got it when the wind blew it our way.

  3. Gosh, beary smokey there. Hopefully it rains soon and puts out the fires...

  4. Should Uncle Tibbs put on his Smoky the Bear "only you can stop forest fires" hat?
