Thursday, November 14, 2019

A glacier adventure!

So much hiking.  Sigh, where should this fox go?  Perhaps I should ask some locals for an idea.  This bear who is patiently holding a fish told me to check out Danny On Trail in the Flathead National Forest.  I'm not 100% sure so I decided to ask for a second opinion from this mountain goat.  Yep, they both suggested Danny On Trail.
Let's go.  The trail looks nice.  Lot's of beargrass along the way.

Getting closer to the top of the mountain.  The bear I talked to said that there is a visitors center and restaurant.  Sounds like a great place for lunch. 
Made it to the top and it does look like a restaurant. 
This is a great shot.  All the places I visited this week.
Great views from the top.  Time for lunch.

Ahhhhh, it was nice to relax with a nice soda while I wait for my lunch.  Grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup.  

Hiking and traveling  is hard work.  Luckily I know how to relax.  These beers should hold me over till dinner. 


  1. Grilled cheese and tomato soup--a classic lunch. Hope you're having a fun trip!

    1. Thanks. Grilled cheese is the best. Of course, if there was a slice of bacon on the sandwich it might make it even better.

  2. Lunch? Did someone say lunch? Grilled cheese??? YUMMMM

  3. Two beers? Hmmm... sure you don't need some helping drinking those? (bear stuffie paw goes up....)
