Thursday, November 7, 2019

A non hiking adventure in Glacier.

Hiya Gang,
Last night I was enjoying some wine last night and decided that I needed to broaden my adventure at Glacier.
I decided to spend some time exploring Lake McDonald Lodge on Lake McDonald in Glacier.
Lot's of stuff to do at the lodge.  Looks like I can take a bus tour.  

Inside, the hotel has a great lobby.  

It's dark inside but you can see some cool lampshades from the the hotel was built in the 1920s by the Great Northern Railway Company to draw tourists to Glacier.  It was a good idea, it worked very well.  Last year 2.9 million people visited Glacier National Park.

You can see that I really liked these lampshades.

It was dark inside but outside it was beary nice.  Oh, is that a boat?  I wonder if they offer cruises for stuffies. 

Looks like they do.  I will have to wait for a stuffy friendly cruise but the views look worth it. 

 Lfox on board.  Let's go.
 Beautiful day for a cruise.  Look at the seat on the boat I got.
 The view from the front of the boat is amazing.  Oh my, the view from the back is great too.
Coming into dock.
I am on dry land and decided to wander around.  I saw a cool totem pole outfront of the hotel.
A great picture of the bear on this totem.  Sadly no fox totem. 

Wandering around the hotel and enjoying the flowers.
Ah, time for a rest. This rocking chair looks comfy.  I wonder if they would deliver some lunch to me out here.


  1. Glacier is being added to my travel list right now!

    1. @ Ajdin: Glacier is awesome!
      @ J and B: They even had ice cream at one of the shops I stopped at (it was Huckleberry Ice Cream and it was awesome).
      @ Droopy: Sigh.....canines were not represented on the totem.
      @Sandy: I didn't know wolves were on totems......apparently an old fox can learn new tricks (I mean info)

  2. No fox totem? And no dog totem either?

  3. Nice!!! I don't really recall seeing many dogs or foxes on totem poles but wolves are popular!
