Saturday, March 14, 2020

Snow Break...

Baxter and I decided to take a little break from trying to figure out what is going on with Drunk Fox (and all of the Corona Virus news****).    A few days ago a card came addressed to me from my pal Droopy.

Team Droopy always gets bonus points for the handmade card.  
The crew is wishing me a happy St. Patrick's Day.  They suggest I celebrate with a big pot of chicken stew.  That's an excellent idea. 
Chicken stew always seems to go well on cold winter days.  As I started my morning chore of letting Sequoia outside I was pleasantly surprised to see snow.
No, this is not a post-dated blog, it really did snow last night.  I hope my blueberry plants survive.
The trees look so nice with the snow. 
I wonder if the snow will stay?  If it stays cold enough do you think I could host Karl and Bullwinkle?

Let me check the forecast.  Hmm, looks like the weather is supposed to improve, out of politeness to Karl and Bullwinkle we better postpone a visit this year. 
**** On a side note be sure you wash you paws and stay healthy stuffy friends.


  1. Snow?! I thought the groundhog predicted an early spring this year!
    Hope you are staying healthy too...we'll all get through this eventually...

  2. Glad to see we weren't the only ones to get snow. I'm making sure the humans are washing their paws... errr... hands thoroughly.
