Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Circle of Stuffies

Today is the day.  Drunk Fox's intervention begins now!!!!
Before the intervention started I googled how to hold an intervention.  Lots of information was posted online but there was really no information on how to hold a stuffed animal intervention so I guess I am going to wing it.
I decided to call all of the animals together and get this intervention started.  The animals started to arrive in small groups.  Wolfy, Fox, and this dapper little mouse from Prague arrived first.  
One of our Christmas stuffies decided to join the intervention.  Of course Baxer is here.  Little Bear and Big Bear have arrived as well.  Sequoia is wondering what is happening but he's not 100% sure he's ready to join.  
Fox, Odie, our resident hedgehog (who thinks he is a bunny), Lightning,  and Reindeer have arrived. 
I better lay down some ground rules:
1) Only one stuffy should talk at a time.
2) Raise your paw to speak.
3) Everyone silence their phones.
4) There will be snacks only if the intervention is successful.  REPEAT, the snacks will only come out IF the intervention is a success.
I had to convince Drunk Fox that he needed to get off the couch.  Apparently, he has lots of reading on his pallet.  Tough, we're doing this intervention today.
Little Fox: All right here he comes....places everyone. 
Drunk Fox: What is going on Kermit?
Drunk Fox:  Hmm, I am a little worried.
Kermit:  Drunk Fox, don't worry, I got your back. 
Drunk Fox:  All right, let's get this party started.
Drunk Fox:  Reindeer wanted to talk to me about my graffiti problem.  I tried to tell him that I wasn't seeking attention and that I wasn't reliving repressed childhood memories, or that I wasn't trying to make a political statement. 
Drunk Fox:   I was just bored.  You see gang, my hobby used to be drinking and now that I have been sober I am bored and looking for a new hobby.  I though graffiti art could be a good hobby for me.
Little Fox: I wonder if this intervention is working....
Little Fox: This intervention is taking a long time.  Kermit is exhausted and Sequoia has decided to leave. 
Little Fox:  I am declaring this intervention moderately successful.  Are there any questions?
Wolfy: that the intervention is over does that mean we get snacks?
Little Fox: I guess my next job is to help you find a new hobby for you Drunk Fox.  Do you like hiking?
Drunk Fox: Not really, any other ideas Little Fox?

Little Fox: I am tapped out, perhaps my stuffy friends can help out.  Stuffy pals feel free to leave any tips on a new hobby for Drunk Fox in the comments.

Oh no, looks like we need to intervene with Sequoia too.


  1. Bored? Drunk Fox is bored? Huh... maybe he just needs some help finding another hobby. I'd say that intervention was moderately successful as well. Although... now you've got Sequoia problems. Although... I supposed a bored dog could do worse things than write on sticky notes... like chew cushions and shoes and socks and stuffies...

  2. Very true. One nice thing about the intervention was that it got most of the stuffies together.

  3. Phew, well at least it was just Drunk Fox being bored. Hmm.. maybe he should learn a musical instrument?
