Thursday, November 12, 2020

Cherry Orchard Adventure

 Hiya Gang,

Little Fox here.  No, I am not at a National Grassland although that is on this fox's bucket list.

I am hanging out near the Columbia River.  It's a nice fall day and I decided on a little adventure. 

Ah, there is the Columbia.  Except for some wind the weather is beary nice.
The leaves are changing colors.  Mainly oak trees and there are a lots of acorn looking items on the ground. I assume they are acorns.
This is a nice hike.  Open areas.  Tree lined areas.  Cool rock cliffs.
Getting closer to my lunch spot. 
A detour through the woods. 
Can you see it?  Mt. Adams in the background. 
Okay, time to find a nice viewpoint for lunch. 
This will do.  Time to head back down the hill.
Now all I have to do is convince my roommates to buy me a sugar cookie as a treat.


  1. Replies
    1. Ha! A tad out of season and probably 100 years to late.

  2. Cool adventure - the fall colours look beary nice.

  3. Thanks. Cherish those nice fall days

  4. "a" sugar cookie? We think you deserve 2 or 3! A growing stuffie needs energy!
