Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Happy Thanksgiving to my US based stuffies. I hope you are enjoying some turkey, dressing, and pumpkin pie for dessert.  My roommates are in the kitchen working on my dinner and as I was digging around the kitchen looking for snacks I found some unopened mail.  

The first card is from Sandy and Company up North.  Happy Thursday to my Canadian pal.  Sounds like Rose is going into High School at Grade 8.  In Oregon, high school starts at Grade 9. 

Sandy's garden is going crazy.  Parsnips galore.  A few weeks ago the humans made baked apples, sausage, and parsnips.  A beary tasty dish from Jamie Oliver.


Looks like Sandy wrote a little more on the back.  Sandy has been doing some hiking and some exploring but is missing traveling and adventures.  They have been hunting for mushrooms and are having a hard time getting people to takethe chanterelles.  Send them down my way, we'll take them!!!

Speaking of mail.  Droopy and company sent an awesome homemade card. needs to be registered online.  Droopy could sell these cards for sure.

Droopy was wondering if our town is allowing trick or treating.....well it's complicated.  The weather was really nice on Halloween and there were lots of people who put out bowls of candy on the driveway for kids to pick some up.  

The pandemic hasn't slowed down Ajdin.  He recently took a sightseeing trip to Washington DC. He sent this awesome postcard from Washington DC with all the cherry trees in bloom.  
Ajdin had a great question about my facemask.  Our governor has a mask mandate so I am a good Little Fox and wear my mask whenever I go out and about. 
Do you recognize this drawing?

 As you might remember I entered their Halloween Costume Contest and also their Halloween Treat Contest.  The Starbucks card is very appreciated and I am going to take them up on their suggestion to get some hot chocolate with the gift card. 
Thanks J and B.

Thanks everyone for the great cards.  Sorry about the delay in posting.  I think I am going for the new stuffy record of posting late mail.  Ajdin still holds the record for the most belated postcard sending with his Utah Trip.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Little Fox. Hope you got to eat a lot of turkey!

  2. Hope you had a great Turkey Day, L.F. Thanks for your pawsome compliment about my card :)
