Saturday, May 3, 2014

Two adventures this weekend, part 1

I got an email from my roommates and they said that I should prepare for two adventures this weekend!  Yipee, I wonder what we are going to do?  Hiking, cooking lesson, road trip?  So many options for a little fox.  We ended up at the Dalles Mountain Ranch, an old ranch from the 1900s.  There are some old farm buildings, a rental house, and an old farm house to explore but we had none of that today hmph.  

After we started hiking I saw why we would have to explore the ranch later or on a different day.  The wildflowers put on a show for a little fox.  The flower that looks like a sunflower is called Balsam Root.  I kept thikning of Jerry on this hike since I know he loves flowers. 

 There was also Indian Paintbrush and Lupine all around.  I really like this picture since if you look hard you can see all three flowers (Paintbrush, Lupine and Balsam Root). 

I like this picture of me (of course I like most pictures of me) but I felt like I was truly adventuring to get this picture.  I am bearly visible because of the grass. 
 This is my favorite of the day, it’s such a bright shot of the flowers and you can see the town of The Dalles in the background.  I was beary lucky.

This Oak Tree (at least I think it's an Oak)  looks so peaceful at the old ranch.  I included it just to show a different perspective. 
I didn’t even mind making my roommates carry up the hill for a couple hundred feet and a few miles, aren’t I a considerate fox?  Now, what is planned for tomorrow?   


  1. Those are really nice photos Little Fox! The wild flowers are beautiful! Hopefully your roommates packed a nice picnic lunch!

    1. They did pack a nice picnic lunch. Unfortunatley most of the flowers were at the beginning of the trail and we were near the top when lunch time hit. We had a nice view of the valley but no special wild flower display for lunch.

      Jerry, we bought some seeds today that are supposed to attract humingbirds - I hope the seeds work....

  2. Beautiful pictures Little Fox!! That picture of the barbed wire and Dalles in the background is pretty cool. I imagine the old farm buildings are neat too - maybe that will be Part 2??

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I wish exploring the old farm building and farm machinery was part two but no luck. It was hard not to take a good picture yesterday.

    3. Ah yes, that sometimes happens - sun is in the wrong position, etc. etc. Maybe you'll get to go back?

  3. That's my hope....we'll see. I heard my roommates planning another adventure for the near future.....maybe that will be it?

  4. That's my hope....we'll see. I heard my roommates planning another adventure for the near future.....maybe that will be it?
