Thursday, March 15, 2018

Mail Call

Us little animals (plus Reindeer and Sequoia) were hanging out for a couple of hours.  We were discussing all of the important things related to animals like snacks, toys, chores for the humans etc.
Sequoia decided to head off to his spot on the carpet for a well deserved rest.  Reindeer thought this would be a good time to share some of the mail we received.  Kudos to the post office for they delivered all of this mail on time and whatever the opposite of kudos is to my roommates for not blogging about in a timely manner.
Enough blame, let's see what I got.  Reindeer suggests I open this card first.  The return address says Jerry and Ben but I don't see their signature drawing of two bears waving.  Could this be an inposter?
I don't think so. I opened the card and it was a nice valentines day greeting from my friends in the Midwest.  Stay warm you two. 
Lightning the sea otter suggested we open a card from Droopy and gang.  Surprise!  It was a birthday card.  Thanks Droopy.  Lightning likes the homemade touch of the card, beary creative.  Speaking of birthdays Sandy sent a nice message on my birthday too. Thanks Droopy and Sandy.
Let me get a better look at that card. 
Speaking of Droopy, did you know it's the year of the dog? It only happens once every 12 years (thanks for sharing that in your blog a few weeks ago Droopy).  Red is a lucky color and I can't wait to see what is in our red envelope this year.  Perhaps it's a plane ticker on Canadian Goose Airlines to visit Droopy?  Could it be cash?    
Awesome, it's a starbucks gift card.  I am very excited to take my friends out to starbucks courtesy of Droopy and Gang.  Thanks guys!!!!!
There was one more valentines day card from Nana up in Washington.  Oh look, it's a handmade card too.  That's beary cool.
Thank you everyone for the awesome cards.  Getting mail is high on my list.  Speaking of that I should probably send a few letters out too. 


  1. mail is fun! as long as they aren't bills

  2. I agree. That reminds me I need to send some snail mail to Uncle Tibbs as he seems to be the one who always gets bills around your place....

  3. Hope you can get yourself a nice treat with the Starbucks card.

  4. Nice. Mail is always so much fun - good mail that is... not the bill stuff.
