Thursday, August 23, 2018

Cincinnati Adventures

Hi Blog Pals,
My time in Cincinnati is winding down.  Perhaps some of you might remember a TV show that took place in Cincinnati.  
I am off on a walking tour.  This little book has been really helpful in planning my adventures in Cincinnati.

Time to explore the city. This statue is in a nice place called Hyde Park. 
Next to Hyde Park is Ault Park.  Ault Park has a huge field, a nice pavilion, and plenty of community gardens. 
The view from the pavilion is awesome.  They have fireworks on Independence Day, it would be a great place to watch them.
Time to explore the community gardens.
This one is nice. 
More pretty flowers. 
Time to leave Ault Park and head downtown to where the baseball stadium is. These stairs are huge.
On the other side of the stairs they have fountains. 
Cincinnati was once nicknamed Porkopolis because the farmers used to send their pigs to slaughter in Cincinnati and sometimes they would drive their cattle down the middle of downtown Cincinnati. 
To get the best views you have to cross the Ohio river into Newport, KY.  A bridge dedicated to walkers only.  Sounds perfect for me. 
I made it back to Newport, KY.
During the 1800s there were so many steamboats on the Ohio River.  They still have some boats that take tourists on the river.  They were right, the best views of downtown Cincinnati are on the Kentucky side.
Speaking of steamboats they had a fox sized model in a local park.
Oh my, this is a lending library.  What a creative idea.  I wonder if they have anything by John Grisham?
Cincinnati and Newport Kentucky were awesome places to explore on foot.  One more bridge to cross over to get back to the Cincinnati side.  

Goodness, I look good against this bridge. Downtown doesn't look too bad either :)


  1. Did you have time to see a Reds' game?

  2. I think you'd make a great steamboat captain! The song WKRP in Cincinnati rings a bell but the show... not so much. Nice trip!

    1. Steamboat captain Little Fox? Yes, I like the sound of that.

  3. A lending library. This sounds like something Beanie Mouse would enjoy. Did you borrow any books?

    1. Sugh, there were no books from the fox point of view so I didn't get anything. Beanie would love the little library.
