Sunday, December 15, 2019

Mail Call (round 2).

I interupt my Colorado posts to bring you some important mail/Christmas card information.

This is the best time of the year.  I get so much stuffie mail during December my sekrebeary really has to keep up with the blog.  It's good, keeps them on their toes and if they do well they may earn a Christmas bonus (key word...."may"). 

A few of my friends decided to hang out with me as I examined my mail.  On the right is my dear friend Hedgehog. Hedgehog likes to think he is the Easter Bunny (hence the ears).  I don't judge.  He's a loyal pal.  On the left if another fox that has joined my crew.  He won't tell me his name (I don't think he knows what it is either) but he's cool, friendly, and loves chicken.  Three things I look for in a pal.

Droopy and his pals sent me a card with a beary cute dog.  Thanks Droopy, Angus, Patch, Spunky and the Bark Knight (oh, wait perhaps I should have kept that last one to myself).  Thank you team Droopy.
 Next up is a card from a pair of dessert loving bears in the Midwest.  Jerry and Ben sent a beary nice card.  It's got two bears (just like J and B) carrying a tree.  I hope Jerry and Ben have lots of hot chocolate in the pantry as I looked at the weather for their winter home and it's going to be cold for the next couple days.  Thank you team Jerry and Ben.
Until next time....LF. 


  1. Hello to the new fox member of the family. He needs a name...

  2. We luckily stocked up on hot chocolate, because it's only 5 degrees here...brr.

    1. You two are so brave for living in such a cold climate.

  3. Interesting - I've never seen a hedgehog with rabbit ears... huh. Your fox friend does look beary suave and cool.

    1. Hedgehog might . be having an identity crisis.

  4. How many foxes live in your household?
