Thursday, October 1, 2020

Mail Call!

 Hiya Gang. Little Fox here just checking my mail.

First, let’s start with the Canadian Posts customer of the year Sandy Bear.  


That’s right folks, two sets of  cards from Sandy Bear.  Sounds like Sandy and Gang (Rose and Otto) had a great time at the swimming hole.  Also, they have been watching Hamilton the musical at least twice….maybe more.

Next up we have mail from across the pond.  Beanie sent a cool card via Royal Mail (that sounds so regal).  Beanie had some hot and humid weather but they are surviving!  Stay cool Beanie and company.

This last one was pretty crazy to get.  Ajdin went to the Alamo a few years ago and the card finally arrived.  That’s okay, I know he has had sekrebeary troubles over the last few years. 

Sandy mentioned that his garden is growing well.  Wolfy wants to share what's growing in his garden. Let's take a look at the squash plants.  Let me examine more to see what kind of squash it is. 
Aha! It's a delicata squash.  
The cherry tomatoes are doing wonderful.  These are sungold cherry tomatoes.  Super sweet.
Finally, the fall garden is getting started over here.  Onions, arugula, and red lettuce are planted for the fall. 
Thanks to all of my blog pals for the mail. 


  1. We are beary behind in our mail...and totally blame the seKretaries!

    1. Me too. I have an unopened letter from weeks ago

  2. Great garden! We had Sungold tomatoes too - they are soooo yummy. We only got 3 butternut squash off of our plants this year... and 100 zucchini... sigh.
