Thursday, October 8, 2020

Stuffy Class: Today's Topic: Karma

Good Afternoon Stuffy Class Students!
Little Fox here and today's class is on the concept of doing something for others.   
Wait, who is our guest instructor today? 
Did you guess Wolfy?  If so, you did great.
Wolfy here.  Welcome to my Stuffy Class today.  Today's topic is Doing something for others and the basic principle of Karma.  I am going to teach you how to make some vegan ice cream for my pal Reindeer who is a vegetarian.  

Am I a vegan?  Nope.  Am I a vegetarian?  Nope, but I want to do a nice gesture for my pal Reindeer.  Let's get started.
PS -I know a lot of my students disliked the $10.00 lab fee for this class so I have decided to waive it for this class and all future classes.

Step 1: This recipe requires confectioners sugar and we are out.  No problem, you can take regular sugar and grind it up in your food processor or blender with a little bit of cornstarch and you are good to go.
Next step is to get some aquafaba.  What is aquafaba?   Well, it's the liquid that comes in the can of chickpeas.  You will need to whip 3/4 cups of aquafaba to form still peaks.
A hand mixed will do the trick. About 12 minutes or so.  Hard to believe it but it works. It really looks like egg whites.
I hope these are stiff enough peaks.  

Next step:  Get 10 ounces of peaches.  Your confectioners sugar and grind it up in a food processor.  Be sure to add some vanilla as well.  
Okay class.  Grind up those ingridents.
I have this weird peachy paste.  I thought it would be smoother.  I hope Reindeer enjoys the ice cream, this Wolf is a little skeptical.  I decided to whip the aquafaba a little more to ensure stiff peaks.  Then all you have to do is mix in the peach vegan stuff to the faux egg whites.
Voila!  The finished product actually looks pretty good. 

As Tom Petty would say: "The waiting is the hardest part."  So, it's time to put the vegan ice cream in a 9x5 loaf pan and let it freeze for at least 6 hours.  
Let's loop back to my topic.  Karma is an action not a result.  I will have to remind Reindeer about that if this vegan ice cream is an epic fail.
6 short hours later the ice cream is ready to taste.  I think that Reindeer should get the honor of scooping the first scoop.

  Notice how fresh ice cream brings out all the stuffies?  Funny how that happens.

 Reindeer gets the first taste (being that I made this specifically for him) and the verdict is.....  Texture is strange but the taste is good.  Reindeer gives it two paws up!


  1. Vegan ice cream, huh? Have you taken a page out of Sandy's humans' book?

    1. Ha. No. The humans went for vegan ice cream just to wasn't too bad. Tried to make it at home.

  2. Interesting! I had no idea was AW-KWA-FAH-BAH was until now!

  3. Wow... I had no idea chickpea juice was useful for something... and that you can beat it to make that white stuff... we may have to try that.
