Thursday, January 2, 2020

LF Archaeologist 3

Happy New Year! 

Being an 
archaeologist is hard work and being that I work for free I figured I needed a break.  I decided I should take a hike. 
It's beautiful at the Dinosaur National Monument.
I found a nice little hike to take.  Yeah, it's hot but this fox can handle it. 

So many different scenes here.  Near the Green River it's nice and lush and about 1 mile away it's pretty deserty. 
This hike gets an "A+" for the variety of terrain. 
So much to see here.  This amateur archaeologist found some unique pictographs.  I need to text the museum with this info. This looks like an animal of sorts.  
This one is in great shape.  The museum says these pictographs are from the Fremont People who lived in this area years ago. 
So much open space.  Dinosaur National Monument has received the "Dark Sky" classification in that it's far enough from city lights (or any city for that matter) that you get a great view of the stars.  
Back to the trails.  This fox has work to do.