Thursday, January 30, 2020

Mail Call

Big Bear, Drunk Fox, and I are enjoying a little comedy show provided by Kermit the Frog.  Kermit's been keeping a low profile at our place but he's addicted to the spotlight so we often get free comedy shows thrown by him.
Reindeer, our resident mail carrier, has a ton of mail that has been stockpiled up in his mailbox.

First up.  It's from Ajdin.  Who needs a return address when you have a stamp with your photo on it?
Ah yes.  It's an award for the Stuffie Talent Show.  I got third place.  Not a bad showing for this Little Fox.
In full disclosure, Kermit did help me with writing the jokes and working the audience.  This award belongs to both of us. 
Next up:  A card from Bar.  Remember, Bar was helping out with Sandy's blog while Sandy was travelling this summer.
I bet there is a certain mouse who might recognize this postcard.  Actually, that is one of my favorite pictures from Beanie's human.  Thanks Bar.
Being that Reindeer spent some time at the North Pole and Drunk Fox and I came from Ikea we figured we were the best choice to present this next card from Ajdin.   Looks like Ajdin went to Iceland this summer.   Lucky bear.  I have heard Iceland is amazing.  

Next up: Sandy, Jerry, and Ben sent a nice card (I always like Native American artwork).  They had a great time on vacation this year in Canada.  Exploring the beach, eating dinner at Grandma's and working hard in the kitchen. 


  1. That's an extra special card from Sandy Bear!!!!! That's one of my favourites too!!

  2. Wow - quite the haul of mail. Glad the postcards all arrived. You should begetting one from Mexico too...
