Thursday, February 16, 2017

Hot Chocolate 101

Oh so rainy.  I hate it when it rains especially when I have a guest here who wants to explore and go on adventures like me.  Sigh.
Sandy and I decided to wander into the kitchen for a snack and we noticed the kettle was going.  Was my roommate going to make something?  What could it be?  Instant soup?  Hot tea? Hot chocolate?  
Out of nowhere a mug appeared.  This day is looking up for Sandy and I.
Let's see what kind of supplies we have in the cupboard.  I bet there is some hot chocolate up there.  "Let me check it out". 
Climbing up these cupboards is hard work. 
 Hmmm, looks like the humans could do a better job of organizing the cabinets but no time to supervise that project I see the hot chocolate mix.  "Get it Little Fox" Sandy said. I better not waste any time.
Ok, looks like our first hot chocolate today is Swiss Miss.  "I give it an 8 out of 10" Sandy said.
I think we should look at all the brands first. 
In the pink package we have diet hot chocolate.  Sandy and I just stared at each other in disgust.

Some chocolate nibs, good in salads but not so much cocoa. 
AHA! This cocoa will be great.  It's from Crate and Barrel and it's in a holiday tin.  I think we should try this brand Sandy.

The cocoa mix is in the cup. 
Some hot water placed in the cup and it looks like Sandy found some creamer to add into the cocoa. 
I think we should add some cream too. 
"Absolutely" Sandy says.
It was a lot of work to make this treat.  We had to decide which cocoa to make, I had to scale the cabinet wall, Sandy had to navigate the fridge and we had to wait patiently for the cocoa to cool down.  Sandy and I worked hard but our treat was definitely worth it and a good activity on a rainy day.  Now that we are fortified, we need an adventure!!!!


  1. HEHE, the diet hot chocolate line made us laugh until we cried...Glad you found some real hot chocolate. We suggest, threaten the seKretaries that if real hot chocolate is not in stock, they risk a lower annual evaluation. Hot chocolate is serious business!

  2. Good idea. My roommates have been trying to pawn off that diet hot chocolate for years. No one ever wants to try it.

    1. Well, you could beary carefully open the packets of diet hot chocolate (yuck), pour the contents into the waste paper basket (where it belongs), then refill them with REAL hot chocolate, and then carefully reseal the packets with a little thin line of glue, and voilà!

    2. That's a great idea Jerry and Ben.

  3. It seems like the Quest for the Hot Chocolate was a pretty serious adventure already...

  4. Mama: Diet Hot Chocolate???? What's the point of that? Must have been some weird Christmas gift in the office pool or something. Good to see that Sandy still has some discernment about hot chocolate. Tell him the crocuses and snowdrops are up...

  5. DIet?? Chocolate????? BWAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!
    Although the bestest hot chocolate we've ever tasted was from Harrods. We have to make it with milk though, not water.
